Wednesday 16 December 2015

I study FCP not Fashion Design!

When someone asks you what do you study at university, I normally sigh just because whenever I say 'Fashion Communication and Promotion' everyone hears Fashion and nothing else. They quickly jump to the conclusion that I am learning how to make garments and the normal remark from my extended family is "I can't wait to wear your designs in a few years!" Which is rather flattering but that is not what I am studying. 

I am studying the way fashion is communicated and promoted in the industry. For a while I decided not to say FCP but to say Fashion Marketing as that was easier than having to correct people on what FCP was. 

After talking to my course mates I did feel rather relieved that I was not the only one that struggled to get across what course they were studying. 

So if you come across a FCP student - 

1. No they are not making clothes
2. Yes, there is more to our reading than reading 'Vogue' (yet it is still on our reading list)
3. Yes, we do learn some invaluable skills like Photoshop and Indesign
4. No, we don't do exams but we are assessed the whole way through our course through coursework

So lets hope over the Christmas break I will not have to explain that I'm not learning how to make garments but I'm learning how to communicate and promote that garment someone else has made. 

Soraya x

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